Ralph King

Full Stack Developer

Leicestershire, UK | 16 years old

ralphaking09@gmail.com | +44 7484 631926

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Professional Experience

Calver/Chef - Shires Inn

Current Position

Preparing and serving meals while maintaining high quality standards and food safety protocols.

Founder & CEO - RKing Industries

Current Position

Leading software development projects and managing client relationships.

Pot Washer - Shires Inn

Previous Position

Maintained kitchen cleanliness and supported food service operations.


Arkwright Engineering Scholarship

Prestigious award recognizing exceptional engineering potential.

Rotary Technology Tournament Winner

First place in a competitive technology challenge by demonstrating strong teamwork and collaboration skills.

Duke of Edinburgh Silver

Completed challenging expedition and skill development program.

Duke of Edinburgh Bronze

Successfully completed foundational level of the DofE award scheme.

Programming Languages

  • Python Web Backend
  • C++ Systems Game
  • Ruby Web Backend
  • HTML/CSS/JavaScript Frontend


  • Flask Python Backend
  • React JavaScript Frontend


  • MySQL Relational
  • MongoDB NoSQL
  • SQLite Relational


  • Git Version Control
  • Docker Containerization
  • AWS Cloud
  • Google Services Cloud
  • AI Machine Learning Neural Networks Computer Vision
Task Management System

3D Game Engin

A 3D game engine written in C++, focused on optimization and achieving the lowest possible frame times for maximum performance.

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Task Management System

2D Game Engin

A 2D game engine written in C++, so I could improve my skils using C++.

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Task Management System

Network Protocol

A Network Protocol written in C++ to improve my knolage of how networking and packets work.

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Task Management System


An IDE written in C++ using the windows api, to improve my knolage of the windows api.

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Task Management System


A portfolio, wiritten in HTML with python backend using the Flask framework.

Python Flask HTML/CSS/JavaScript
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Task Management System

RKing Industries

My RKing Industries website, written with a python backend using the Flask framework.

Python Flask MongoDB Google Services MySQL SQLite HTML/CSS/JavaScript
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Task Management System


A whiteboard, wiritten in HTML with python backend using the Flask framework.

Python Flask SQLite HTML/CSS/JavaScript
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Task Management System

Mesaging Application

A messaging aplication like twitter or reddit, wiritten in HTML with python backend using the Flask framework.

Python Flask MongoDB Google Services HTML/CSS/JavaScript
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Task Management System

Darts Game

A darts game to track scores, wiritten in HTML with python backend using the Flask framework.

Python Flask HTML/CSS/JavaScript
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Task Management System

Website Maker

A website maker allowing admins to login and edit or create pages, wiritten in HTML with python backend using the Flask framework.

Python Flask SQLite HTML/CSS/JavaScript
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Task Management System

Test Tracking

A test tracking program for monitoring student tests and grades, wiritten in HTML with python backend using the Flask framework.

Python Flask MongoDB HTML/CSS/JavaScript
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Task Management System


A Faster version of my schools educational website, by chaching requests and serving from db insted of constant api requests.

Python Flask MongoDB Google Services MySQL SQLite HTML/CSS/JavaScript
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Task Management System

Browser Sessions

A Browser Sessions app that allows the creation of browsers sessions that have auo pinned tabs and credentials saved.

Python SQLite
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Task Management System

Ollama Interface

An interface written for Ollama allowing easier use of Ollama inside a GUI.

Python AI
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Task Management System

Linux Terminal

A Linux Terminal look and commands witten for windows.

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Task Management System

PTP chat

An encrypted PTP chat written in python.

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Task Management System


An fast lightweight IDE written in python.

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Task Management System


The A* algorithm with a gui written in python.

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Task Management System

Ball Tracking

Rugby ball tracking program for live ball tracking or video tracking.

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Task Management System


Mastermind game written in ruby.

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CAD Design

  • Fusion 360 3D Modeling = Simulation

Electronics & PCB

  • PCB Design Circuit Design Layout
  • KiCad EDA Schematic
  • Arduino Prototyping IoT
  • Soldering Assembly Rework

Systems Programming

  • C++ STL Memory Management
  • Python Interface Backend
  • Network Programming TCP/IP Sockets
  • Multithreading Concurrency Async
  • AI Machine Learning Neural Networks Computer Vision
Task Management System

Vape Detectors

I designed a scalable and secure smart vape detection system with real-time monitoring, tamper alerts, customizable notifications, and data analytics, tailored for environments like schools and offices.

C++ Fusion 360 Python Network Programming PCB Design KiCad Arduino Soldering
Task Management System

3D Printer

I designed a functional CoreXY 3D printer with AI-powered print failure detection as my first A-Level project.

Fusion 360 Python AI
Task Management System

Arcade Machine

I desighned an arcade machine for my GCSE DT project that worked and had a buikt in safe with keyboard password entry.

C++ Fusion 360 Python PCB Design Arduino Soldering